What is Quick, Powerful, and Sharper Than Any Two-Edged Sword?

The Risk of This Powerful Weapon Being Worthless in Your Hand

The man that was my pastor for twenty-plus years was a wonderful, sentimental man. He was an only child born in his parents’ older years. They cherished him and considered many things in their lives to be worth commemorating with various collectibles. Anyone who has heard my pastor speak about his childhood vacation to Los Angeles will likely never forget the story of the rock that was collected from Azusa Street, the location where the Azusa Street revival began in 1906. Needless to say, the young boy didn’t see the importance of visiting an old area of the city and collecting a rock from the deteriorating street while Disneyland waited nearby.

The sentimentality of my pastor’s parents was clearly passed on to him as he matured. Not only did he keep the rock throughout his life, he too collected much memorabilia as he traveled the world. He would often bring something from his collection to enhance a point he was making in a sermon. Yes, the rock made into more than one sermon over the years, as did one or more beautiful, shiny swords he had acquired. These swords were intended to commemorate some significant event in history and place he visited. Although I never saw them displayed, I am sure they were safely stored or displayed somewhere in his office or in his home. They were important to him and brought back precious memories. But he never intended to use any of these swords as the mighty weapons they were created to be.

As explained in “God Magnifies His Word Above His Name” (God Magnifies His Word Above His Name – Confidence in God), God’s Word unlocks the power of His name. But that power is never released if His Word, the Bible, is merely safely stored or displayed somewhere in our offices or homes and not intended to be used as the mighty sword of the Spirit that it is (Ephesians 6:17). In this second post of a series focusing on God’s Word, we will consider what God’s Word is, what it does, and what God does with His Word. It is important to understand these things to eliminate any risk that His Word would become merely a sentimental weapon in our collection of memorabilia. We must put it to its intended use in order for God’s Word to be a quick, powerful, and sharp weapon in our lives.

What God’s Word Is

In addition to collecting items that would help them remember important events and experiences, my pastor’s parents were also committed to memorizing scripture. Pastor often described his mornings with his father, feasting on the Word of God along with breakfast. And that feast included memorizing portions of scripture.

A Quick, Powerful, Sharp Instrument – Pastor liked to quote Hebrews 4:12, “For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” As the only offensive weapon included in the whole armor of God (Ephesians 6:11-20), the Word is quick, meaning it is alive and active. When we include it as an active part of our lives, not just storing it on a shelf and possibly carrying it to church on Sunday and during mid-week services, it powerfully and with sharp precision cuts into the deepest parts of our nature, exposing for us the very thoughts and intents of our own actions. We need the surgical precision of the Word to understand our own hearts because they are “deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?” (Jeremiah 17:9.)

Flawless and True – When we pull the entire Word together from beginning to end, Old and New Testaments, there is no defect or error in it (Psalm 13:30). In total, God’s Word is truth and without falsehood (Psalm 119:160, Psalm 33:4). We can rest confidently on His Word.

Lifegiving – God’s words are “life to those who find them, healing and health to all their flesh.” (Proverbs 4:22.) As the blood is the life of the physical body, God’s Word is the life of the spirit. And it is the source of healing and health to our bodies.

A Sweet Sustainer – The psalmist declares God’s Word is sweeter than honey (Psalm 119:103). Not only is honey sweet and pleasant to taste, but it provides sustenance. When King Saul ordered all of his troops to fast and his son Jonathan did not hear the order, after Jonathan accomplished a great feat, he was hungry and dipped into some honey. It was pleasant for him to taste but also it brightened his countenance and lit up his eyes. The honey sustained Jonathan. Likewise, God’s Word is pleasant, making us want to come back for more, and also sustains us, giving us strength and energy.

A Lamp – God’s Word is a lamp that lights our way (Psalm 119:105). As we rest on the truth of His Word, it guides us through life. If I make God’s Word an active part of my life, I can be confident the direction I should go will be illuminated by that Word.

Now we know God’s word is a quick, powerful, sharp instrument. It is flawless and true, lifegiving, a sweet sustainer of life, and a lamp that lights our path. So, let’s consider what God’s Word does in our lives in order to eliminate the risk that it will just be a sentimental item safely stored on a shelf.

What Does God’s Word Do in Our Lives?

God’s Word has great value when we make it an active part of our lives by ready it, studying it, and praying it. Below are just some of the powerful things it can do for us.

Discerns – As mentioned above, God’s Word is a quick, powerful, sharp instrument that exposes for us the very thoughts and intents of our own actions. Often as we make decisions throughout life, we strive to ensure they are consistent with God’s will for us. By reading and knowing God’s Word, it will discern for you whether the actions you plan are motivated by God or your own fleshly desires.

Cleanses – God’s Word cleanses us (John 15:3). Some time ago while conversing with a dear friend, my friend began spewing his hard feelings about things done by a mutual friend of ours. The words were so negative, I felt like I was being vomited on. And yet I didn’t stop the tirade. Those words affected my heart and mind about another person. When I returned home, I needed a shower, not in water but in the Word. I just needed God to clean me up from the vomit that was putrefying my attitude and opinion of both the person who spewed such negativity and the person he was speaking negatively about. I should not have allowed the continued tirade. I should not have listened to it. And after spending time in God’s Word and repenting, the Word cleansed me from the effects of the conversation. God’s Word cleanses us.

Builds Up and Nourishes – God’s Word builds us up and nourishes us so we can be good ministers of Jesus (Acts 20:32; 1 Timothy 4:6). When we are down and weak, it strengthens us and equips us to succeed in living Christian lives. The scripture, which is God-breathed, makes us complete and proficient, well-fitted and thoroughly equipped for every good work that God asks us to do (2 Timothy 16:17).

Works in Us – As we make God’s Word a part of our lives and being a doer of the Word, not a hearer only, it effectively works in our hearts, thoughts, and lives (1 Thessalonians 2:13; 2 Thessalonians 3:1; James 1:21-22). By combining the Word with prayer, it sets us apart from the things of the world, saving and sanctifying us (James 1:21-22; 1 Timothy 4:4-5). And it is the Word that makes our lives, our Christian actions, fruitful (Colossians 1:5-6). If you are yearning to see more fruit in your Christian walk, then spend more time in God’s Word. The more we are in the Word and apply it to our lives, the more fruit we will see growing in and through us.

Keeps Us From Sinning Against God – When I hide the Word in my heart, it keeps me from sinning against God (Psalm 119:11). Except for saving my soul, this is one of the most impactful and important things the Word does for me. I was once in a very intense situation at work that caused me to form a lie in my mind as I prepared to answer a direct question from the president of the company. I had a meeting with the CEO, but the president was not aware of it and would not have supported it. Just before I was to meet with the CEO, the president of the company asked me who I would be meeting with that day. Although I am generally a very honest person, not routinely lying to people, the risk of informing the president about my meeting was so great I had formed a lie in my mind and opened my mouth to say it, but the truth came out of my mouth! I was stunned to hear the CEO’s name come out of my mouth at that moment. And the only explanation I have is that the Word of God I had memorized and hid in my heart kept me from sinning by lying to the president. Since that experience, I praise the Lord that I can trust His Word to keep me from sinning against Him when I hide that Word in my heart.

Judges – While we are alive, God’s Word is “profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for righteousness: that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.” (2 Timothy 3:16-17.) But in the last day, when we see Jesus, that same Word will judge those of us who have rejected God and not received His Word.

We now know what God’s word is and what it does. Knowing what God does with His Word will help us to value His Word, make it an active part of our lives, and avoid the risk of His Word becoming just memorabilia stored on a shelf.

What Does God Do With His Word?

God does many things with His Word, such as creating by His Word (2 Peter 3:5-7), magnifying His Word (Psalm 138:2), and giving us His Word (John 17:14). He also does things with His Word that impacts each of us personally.

Makes His Word Known to Us – As we seek wisdom, God will make His Word known to us (Proverbs 1:23). He will help us understand the hope and riches that are a part of a Christian life and His power that works in us (Ephesians 1:18-19). And the more we understand, the more we love His Word and are motivated to learn it, hide it in our hearts, and live according to it.

Enables Us to Retain His Word – God does not leave us to our own efforts to hide His Word in our hearts. He helps us retain His Word and live according to His teachings (Proverbs 4:4-5).

Confirms the Word with Signs Following – As we share the gospel with other people and do the things God calls and equips us to do, He confirms His Word with signs that follow us (Mark 16:20). We can have confidence as we share His Word.

You can see that God’s word is powerful in of and itself and it accomplishes great things in our lives, including making our works effective and fruitful.  But also, God does great things through His word.  He makes His Word known to us and enables us to retain it. He confirms His Word with signs following us as we share the gospel with others and do the things He calls us to do.

Don’t Let God’s Word Be Worthless in Your Hand

God made His Word readily available to us in printed form, or in a Bible app on our electronic devices. He intended for us to use it as a powerful tool and weapon. We do this by actively, intentionally making God’s word a part of our lives, reading it, studying it, praying it, and doing it.

If you are discouraged because you don’t see answered prayer, you don’t see your works being effective, or you are just plain tired, pick up God’s word and let it minister to and guide you.  It is the key to unlocking the power of God’s name, the power He has given you.  It will strengthen you.  It will cause your works to be fruitful and effective.

Don’t let God’s Word be just memorabilia safely stored on a shelf. As we love, hunger for, and treasure His word, being doers of that Word and not hearers only, it will be a powerful tool and weapon in our hands and we can have confidence in it.

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