• Confidence in My Relationship with God

    Stop Feeling Guilt and Shame for Disappointing God Now!

    Two Reasons It is Impossible to Disappoint God -- Some time ago I was grappling with the idea of disappointing God. In fact, I found that I was apologizing to God quite often for having disappointed Him. The most common things that would trigger this guilt and shame that lead to an apology involved my failure to do something that I knew was right to do and that I had committed to God that I would do.

  • Confidence in God

    Is God in the Thick Darkness?

    How to Have Confidence in God During the Dark Times of Life -- My husband and I are currently Associates in Missions in Costa Rica. When God began directing us to Costa Rica, we had many wonderful experiences that confirmed the calling. Great men of God spoke into our lives. Our application for missions was approved promptly without question.

  • Confidence in God

    Do You Lack Confidence in God?

    8 Scriptures that Demonstrate God's Love and Protection -- I am a mother of three children. Although they are all adults now and have children of their own, I remember how careful I was when I took my children into a store when they were young. I had one child in particular who loved to sneak away and hide when we were in stores. So, I always held his hand to keep him with me, keep him from getting lost, and to protect him from danger.

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