• Confidence in God,  Confidence in God's Will

    How to be Confident in Knowing God’s Will

    God’s Will is Not a Secret to be Grappled With -- My husband and I are currently serving in Costa Rica as Associates in Missions, which means we help the local churches and the appointed missionaries with anything they need. When we first felt God calling us to Costa Rica, we first prayed about it, then spoke to our pastor about it, and then the wheels started churning and things started happening very quickly. We spoke to our pastor in January and by November we were approved to go to Costa Rica. This was clearly God’s will!

  • Confidence in God,  Confidence in Prayer

    The Truth About God’s Desire to Save Unbelievers

    Increase Your Confidence When Praying for Salvation of Others -- We all know them. We all love them. As Christians we long to see them -- our friends and loved ones who do not believe as we do -- come to believe in God through Jesus Christ as a savior. We have likely strived to persuade them to not only believe that God is, but that He is a rewarder of them who diligently seek Him (Hebrews 11:6) and to convince them He loves them and wants to reward them by forgiving them, drawing close to them, walking with them.…
