• Confidence in God,  Confidence in Prayer

    Is Your Thanksgiving an Offering of Great Praise to God?

    How to Avoid Offering the Same Old Sacrifice -- Psalm 145:3 tells us the Lord is great and greatly to be praised. Yet in years past I often found myself feeling like my praise falls short of that. I started using biblical terminology, repeating phrases found in scripture that describe Him. “You are great and greatly to be praised!” (Psalm 145:3.) “You are Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.” (Isaiah 9:6.) “You are full of compassion and plenteous in mercy.” (Psalm 86:15.) Although I find great value in praying scripture, praising through scripture seemed…

  • Christian Living,  Confidence in God

    Encouragement When Things Are Not As You Planned

    Wait on the Lord and Be of Good Courage -- Recently one of my dear, elderly family members fell and was injured. In order for her to return to her home instead of a nursing home for rehabilitation (which we fervently prayed for due to COVID-19 concerns), God made a way for me to travel from Costa Rica to the United States in order to be with her. He aligned so many things to make this possible, including the timing of her fall and the announcement from the Costa Rica Ministry of Health that the borders of Costa Rica will…
