• Confianza en Dios.,  Confianza en la Oración

    La Verdad Sobre el Deseo de Dios de Salvar a los Incrédulos

    Increase Your Confidence When Praying for Salvation of Others -- We all know them. We all love them. As Christians we long to see them -- our friends and loved ones who do not believe as we do -- come to believe in God through Jesus Christ as a savior. We have likely strived to persuade them to not only believe that God is, but that He is a rewarder of them who diligently seek Him (Hebrews 11:6) and to convince them He loves them and wants to reward them by forgiving them, drawing close to them, walking with them.…

  • Confianza en Dios.,  Confianza en la Oración

    Guía Práctica Para Hacer Oraciones Poderosas por los Demás

    3 Pasos para Analizar las Oraciones Efectivas en la Biblia -- Hoy les comparto algunas oraciones que se encuentran en la Biblia que son muy útiles cuando estamos orando por otras personas. Observamos las oraciones de las Escrituras no por ser las únicas oraciones que Dios honra, sino porque Dios nos dio estos ejemplos para enfocar nuestras mentes, corazones, y oraciones en la necesidad de otros.

  • Confianza en Dios.,  Confianza en la Oración

    Guía Práctica para Tener Más Confianza en la Oración

    You Can Gain Power and Confidence by Praying Scripture -- Recently I asked the Confidence in God family the following question: If you and I were to sit down for coffee, what is the most pressing question you would have for me? One reader submitted the following question: “What are some practical and focused prayers and scriptures to lead you further into confidence and power in your (my) relationship with Jesus?” She continued by explaining, “We are told to pray and we do but at times when dealing with very real issues to overcome, we need practical focused direction and…

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