Podemos Aprender a Mantener una Actitud Ganadora Así Como los Atletas Olímpicos
You Can Discover Key Characteristics Through the Apostle Paul’s Example

As I sit at my desk and write this article, Nathan Chen is being acclaimed by the world for setting a world record with his figure skating performance during the men’s short program in Beijing. I have watched the 2022 Olympic Games for more hours this past week than I care to admit. I have seen great moments as athletes have achieved their personal bests and I have seen great heartache as performances have fallen short of the athletes’ goals.
Esta última semana también me despedí de una valiosa amiga, quien fue aclamada por lograr grandes cosas en su caminar con Dios aun cuando sufrió de artritis reumatoide por más de treinta años. Y durante los últimos años de su vida, no sufrió solo una enfermedad autoinmune, sino cuatro. El mundo no conocerá su nombre. Su rostro nunca apareció artículos periodísticos, con la excepción del obituario después de su muerte. No obstante, fue aclamada por ser una maravillosa alentadora y guerrera de oración por todos los que la conocía.
¿Qué tienen en común Nathan Chen, los numerosos atletas que han logrado su objetivo de llegar a los Juegos Olímpicos y esta querida amiga mía? Han aprendido a mantener una actitud ganadora.
Apostle Paul’s Winning Attitude
We can learn from the apostle Paul how to maintain a winning attitude. Philippians 3:8-15 identifies four characteristics that combine to form that attitude. If we adopt these characteristics in our own lives, then we will see spiritual growth in ourselves.
Además, es importante que tengamos una actitud ganadora colectiva para que Dios obre aún más en su iglesia y por medio de la misma. Él quiere que su iglesia dé fruto (Juan 15:1-2). Él ha prometido que haremos cosas más grandes que las que Él hizo en esta tierra (Juan 14:12). A medida que todos aportamos una actitud ganadora como cuerpo de Cristo, veremos a Dios obrar de una manera más grande por medio de su iglesia, confirmando su palabra con las señales que la siguen (Marcos 16:20).
Let’s analyze Philippians 3:8-15 to identify Paul’s characteristics that helped him maintain a winning attitude.
Paul craved more through faith. In Philippians 3:8-11, he expressed that he wanted to know Christ more, knowing the power of Christ’s resurrection and the fellowship of Christ’s sufferings that Paul would be made conformable unto Christ’s death. He wanted these things in order to attain the resurrection of the dead, which is to live in Heaven.
Si queremos tener una actitud ganadora, tenemos que anhelar más de Dios. Si estamos satisfechos con lo que hemos experimentado en Dios y con nuestra relación con Él de la forma en que se encuentra hoy, nos volveremos complacientes. Solo cuando anhelamos más de Él es que leemos su palabra, oramos, ayunamos, diezmamos. Y si hacemos estas cosas ahora, anhelando más, aumentaremos lo que hemos estado haciendo rutinariamente.
And be careful. Do not compare what you are doing and how you are living with what other people are doing and how they are living. Such comparisons lead to mediocrity and contentment with the status quo. Instead, put your focus on Christ as your standard. All of us are called and instructed to be Christ-like. This means to walk as Christ walked on this earth (Ephesians 5:1-2). So, to be equipped to do what God has purposed you to do individually, and for the body of Christ to do collectively, crave more of God and set your focus on Christ’s life as your standard.

In Philippians 3:12, Paul committed to following after Christ and the things of God. The apostle Peter encouraged those that were being persecuted for Christ’s sake to commit the keeping of their souls to God, the Creator (1 Peter 4:19). Paul illustrated what that looks like in 2 Timothy 1:12.
Even in Paul’s suffering, he endured without shame. He did so by setting his mind to focus on Christ and Christ’s ability to keep Paul on the path Christ had purposed for him. In order to have a winning attitude, commit by focusing on Christ and on the goal of being Christ-like, having confidence that Christ will enable you to do all that He has purposed for you to accomplish.
Pablo decidió aspirar al futuro, a la meta, no al pasado (Filipenses 3:13). Nosotros podemos hacer lo mismo. Y Josué del Antiguo Testamento eligió servir al Señor y desafió a Israel a elegir cómo vivir (Josué 24:15).
Así como lo hizo Josué, elija servir al Señor. Tome esa decisión diariamente. Siempre que tome decisiones en su vida, sean las que sean, elija la opción que glorifique a Dios. Cuando considere dónde trabajar, cómo vestirse, cómo pasar su tiempo, cómo hablar, elija siempre lo que glorifique a Dios. Incluso cuando esté considerando con quién salir, haga su elección con el fin de glorificar a Dios.
Also notice that Paul chose to focus on the future, not the past. Do not let the things of the past distract you from the goal for the future. Your past is over. Your childhood is over. The horrible mistakes you have made in the past are over. As a child of God, you have been forgiven. Do not dwell on those things. Do not let Satan convince you that you cannot grow in Christ, or be used in God’s service because of your past. Instead, choose as Paul did to focus on the future. Focus on who you are in Christ, not what you have done or experienced in the past. You are a child of God. You are a member of a royal priesthood. You are God’s beloved. You are called by God for a purpose. Choose to keep focused on those things.
Paul pressed toward his goal, which was the prize of Christ (Philippians 3:14). This is consistent with Jude’s urging that we contend for the faith (Jude 1:3).
What does it mean to contend? It means to struggle to complete something. When Paul pressed toward his goal, he struggled against any opposition. He did so to complete the goal and win the prize of Christ Jesus. Pressing toward something, contending for something, is a deliberate action. Whenever opposition comes, push through that opposition, even if the opposition is just fatigue. When you are tired and just can’t stay awake to pray, to read God’s word, to go to church, press through the fatigue. Choose to honor your commitments. Let that craving for more of Christ motivate you to press beyond the fatigue.
When money is tight and you don’t see how you will pay the bills, press through the fear. Have confidence in God and pay your tithe first, then watch as God provides all you need. Push through. Contend for your spiritual goals and the goals of the body of Christ.
Completar el Curso
Al igual que mi querida amiga, a la que le dimos sepultura la semana pasada, Pablo completó con éxito el curso que se le había encomendado (2 Timoteo 4:7). Lo hizo porque tuvo y mantuvo una actitud ganadora. Hagamos lo mismo anhelando, comprometiéndonos, eligiendo y contendiendo.
- Anhele más de Cristo, incluyendo conocerlo más personalmente;
- Comprométase a seguir a Cristo y las cosas de Dios;
- Elija cada día mirar hacia el futuro y tomar decisiones que glorifiquen a Dios; y
- Contend for the goal by putting the commitment and choice into action by intentionally pursuing God’s word and understanding that word and the ways of God.
Treasure God! Treasure your relationship with Him! Don’t carelessly cast it here and there. But guard it at all times like you would guard a treasured possession.
Notice all of the characteristics of Paul’s life included focus. He focused his mind, heart, choices, and actions on the goal of attaining more of Christ. We can do the same. And in doing so, we can have confidence that we will maintain a winning attitude and see spiritual growth in ourselves and the body of Christ.