Dios Engrandece Su Palabra Por Sobre Su Nombre

Is It Really Possible for the Power of God’s Word to Exceed the Power of Jesus’ Name?

Several years ago, I sat in a service listening to the pastor preach. I don’t remember what the sermon was about, but I remember one thing he said: God magnifies His Word above His name.

What? How can that be? There is nothing more powerful than the name of Jesus. Is it really possible for the power of God’s Word to exceed the power of Jesus’ name?

    Foto de Aaron Burden en Unsplash

    If you have been reading the Confidence in God Blog for any time at all you likely realize I love God’s Word. I don’t write a single post without a lot of scripture in it. I strive to be like the Bereans who the apostle Paul commended as more noble than the Thessalonians because the Bereans “received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so (Acts 17:11).”

    So, I began searching for the source of the pastor’s statement and eventually found it in Psalm 138:2. In this psalm of David, King David proclaims, “I will worship toward thy holy temple, and praise thy name for thy lovingkindness and for thy truth: for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name.” Thus my search was on to understand this verse more fully.

    As I explain below, the name of Jesus has great power, yet it is God’s Word that unlocks the power of His name!

    Ejemplos de Dios Engrandeciendo a Individuos

    The first step to understanding the significance of God magnifying His Word above His name is to understand what “magnifies” means. According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, magnify means either to: 1) Extol, laud, to cause to be held in greater esteem or respect; or 2) To increase in significance; intensify. Extol means to praise highly; glorify. Laud means to praise; extol. (Magnify | Definition of Magnify by Merriam-Webster (merriam-webster.com), recuperado el 29 de marzo de 2021).

    Basado en las definiciones anteriores, David estaba diciendo que Dios ha: 1) Alabado y glorificado Su palabra por sobre Su nombre; o 2) Aumentado el significado de Su palabra por sobre Su nombre.

    Psalm 138:2 is the only scripture that refers to God magnifying His word above His name.  However, by reviewing other contexts in which this term for “magnify,” which is “gadal” is used, we can determine what King David was saying about God magnifying His Word above His name.

    Josué – The Lord told Joshua He would magnify Joshua in the sight of all Israel so they would know God would be with Joshua as He had been with Moses (Joshua 3:7). As a result of this magnification, all Israel stood in awe of Joshua as they had Moses (Joshua 4:14).

    Salomón – King David and his servants asked God to magnify Solomon, making his throne greater than the throne of David (1 Kings 1:37; 1 Kings 1:47). As a result, “the Lord magnified Solomon exceedingly in the sight of all Israel, and bestowed upon him tal royal majesty as had not been on any king before him in Israel.” (1 Chronicles 29:25). Further, King Solomon’s wealth and wisdom exceeded that of all the kings of the earth (1 Kings 10:23).

    Dios – God also magnifies Himself, which results in the people knowing that He is God (Ezekiel 28:23).

    Dios engrandeció tanto a Josué como a Salomón, y al hacerlo aumentó la importancia de su liderazgo. Aumentaron en el respeto y la admiración del pueblo, las riquezas y la sabiduría. Dios también se engrandeció a Sí mismo, haciendo que el pueblo supiera que Él es Dios. Las tres situaciones establecen que cuando Dios engrandece a alguien, aumenta la relevancia de la persona.

    The Power of God’s Name

    As we continue our quest for the significance of God magnifying His word above His name as King David proclaimed, we must look at what scripture tells us about God’s name.

      Foto de Brandon Morgan en Unsplash

      According 1 Chronicles 17:24, God’s name Is magnified and it is magnified forever. Thus far we have looked at a number of Old Testament scriptures. What does the New Testament tell us about God’s name?

      Encontramos en Hebreos 1:4 que el nombre de Jesús es más excelente que el nombre de los ángeles. Y Filipenses 2:9-11 explica que Dios ha exaltado el nombre de Jesús sobre todo nombre.

      También sabemos que hay un gran poder en el nombre.

      1. Somos perdonados y recibimos el don del Espíritu Santo cuando somos bautizados en Su nombre (Hechos 2:38).
      2. Podemos pedir cualquier cosa en Su nombre (lo que significa dentro de Su carácter y Su presencia) y Él nos lo dará (Mateo 18:20; Juan 14:13-14; Juan 16:13; Marcos 16:17).
      3. Somos instruidos por el Espíritu Santo en Su nombre (Juan 14:16).
      4. Debemos hacer todo en Su nombre (Colosenses 3:17).

      The Key to Unlocking the Power of God’s Name

      Entonces, ¿cuál es el significado que Dios engrandece Su palabra por sobre Su nombre? Engrandecer a alguien aumenta la relevancia de esa persona.

      1. Cuando Dios engrandece a los hombres, éstos reciben mayor respeto, riqueza y sabiduría.
      2. Al engrandecerse a Sí mismo por encima de todos los hombres y espíritus, Dios no deja espacio para ningún otro dios aparte de Él.
      3. Cuando engrandecemos a Dios (mediante la alabanza o la adoración), Dios se vuelve más significativo en nuestras propias vidas, corazones y mentes.

      ¿Pero cómo se aplica eso a que Dios engrandece Su palabra por sobre Su nombre?

      1. God’s name is magnified forever. 
      2. Su nombre es más excelente que el de los ángeles y está sobre todo nombre.
      3. Su nombre hará que toda rodilla se doble y toda lengua confiese que Él es el Señor.
      4. Recibimos la salvación (el perdón, el bautismo y el Espíritu Santo) a través de Su nombre.
      5. Pedimos cualquier cosa en Su nombre, y Él lo dará o lo hará.
      6. El Espíritu Santo nos instruye en Su nombre.
      7. Todo lo que hacemos y decimos debe hacerse en Su nombre.

      Todo esto es extremadamente significativo. ¿Es posible que haya algo más grande, más significativo que esto?

      ¡¡¡¡¡Sí!!!!! ¡¡¡¡Mil veces Sí!!!!

      God has magnified His word above His name!  He has made His word more significant than His name! He did so because without knowing His Word, we cannot know how to access the power of His name.

      We must know God’s Word.  It is the key, the significance to unlocking the power of His name!

      1. God’s Word is a light unto our paths and a lamp unto our feet (Psalm 119:105) so we can walk in His ways and do everything in His name.
      2. For they (God’s Words) are life to those who find them, healing and health to all their flesh (Proverbs 4:22).
      3. La Palabra que guardamos en nuestro corazón nos aleja del pecado (Salmos 119:11).
      4. La Palabra nos limpia (Juan 15:3).
      5. La Palabra nos sobreedifica y nos da una herencia (Hechos 20:32).
      6. La Palabra actúa efectivamente en nosotros (1 Tesalonicenses 2:13).
      7. Es la Palabra la que da fruto en nuestras vidas (Colosenses 1:6).
      8. La Palabra salva nuestras almas (Santiago 1:21).

      All praise be to God.  He has given us power in His name and the key to unlocking that power is His Word. We must know His Word, pray His Word, and live His Word in order to live within and have confidence in the power of His name.

      This post is the first of several that I will be publishing to focus on God’s Word. As we focus on what His Word is, what it does, what we are to do with it and the consequences, we will build our confidence in the power of God’s Word in our own lives.

      I look forward to diving into the power of God’s Word and learning how to apply it more confidently in our own lives in order to unlock the power of Jesus’ name!

        Foto de Madeleine Ragsdale en Unsplash


        • Esther Carr

          Thank you so much for this word! I honestly wasn’t sure about this read and of course I had to read it and really focus on what you were saying but … Sister this was good meat of the word! I too have never heard this preached myself.
          You are doing a great work for God through this! You are helping GROW us!
          I love your Confidence in God and enjoy your emails. Again Thanks for bringing this to my attention….Love you Big!
          Jesus Bless you!

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            Julie McGhghy

            I love the power of God’s Word and how it speaks to each of us right where we are at (Hebrews 4:12)! Thank you for your comment and encouragement. I am glad you were blessed by His Word as you read the post.

        • Fred Beall

          Thank you, Sis. McGhghy, for starting your blog and for the excellent teaching and inspirational messages you share. I look forward to them and learn from each one. I’d never thought about or even heard preaching on God’s Word exceeding the power of His Name! May God continue to use you in this ministry and may many come to better understanding of God’s power through your efforts, in Jesus’ Name!

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