• Confianza en Dios.,  Confianza en la Oración

    ¿Será su Acción de Gracias una Ofrenda de Gran Alabanza para Dios?

    How to Avoid Offering the Same Old Sacrifice -- Psalm 145:3 tells us the Lord is great and greatly to be praised. Yet in years past I often found myself feeling like my praise falls short of that. I started using biblical terminology, repeating phrases found in scripture that describe Him. “You are great and greatly to be praised!” (Psalm 145:3.) “You are Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.” (Isaiah 9:6.) “You are full of compassion and plenteous in mercy.” (Psalm 86:15.) Although I find great value in praying scripture, praising through scripture seemed…

  • Confianza en Dios.,  Confianza en la Oración

    La Verdad Sobre el Deseo de Dios de Salvar a los Incrédulos

    Increase Your Confidence When Praying for Salvation of Others -- We all know them. We all love them. As Christians we long to see them -- our friends and loved ones who do not believe as we do -- come to believe in God through Jesus Christ as a savior. We have likely strived to persuade them to not only believe that God is, but that He is a rewarder of them who diligently seek Him (Hebrews 11:6) and to convince them He loves them and wants to reward them by forgiving them, drawing close to them, walking with them.…
