Welcome to Confidence in God.
As people of faith we sometimes find we lack confidence. This is where you can come to find resources for building your confidence in God.
For many years I walked with faith, but not confidence. I had faith that God was all He said He was and would do all He said He would do. But I wasn’t confident He would do those things for or through me. Yet through the years God has shown me His faithfulness, His desire for each of us to complete our walk with Him, and that I can relax in Him because He will keep me with Him. Now my heart’s passion is to share with others what I have learned and help them to walk with confidence in God.
Does Your Head Spin at the Thought of an Impromptu Testimony?
Open Your Mouth and Let God Fill It with the Words He Wants You to Say — Have you ever had an impromptu opportunity to share your testimony, beliefs or scripture and all you could do was . . . gulp? Even though the Bible tells us to “be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine” (2 Timothy 4:2), we often lack the confidence to speak up when given an opportunity we had not prepared for. But God tells us to open our mouths wide and He will fill it.
We Teach Our Kids Not to Lie, Yet We Are Deceived Daily
Discover Who Deceives Us, the Consequences of Allowing Ourselves to be Deceived, and How to Avoid Doing So — Deceit. Doesn’t the mere mention of the word just make you cringe? And yet deceit seems to be all around us. In our world today, we are faced with deceit daily, if not hourly. And yet, we are commanded to avoid being deceived.
Will You Take the Risk to Go and Tell the World About Jesus or Do You Prefer to Cling to Him?
You Can Choose to be Like the Woman at the Well or the Man Delivered from the Legion of Demons — Throughout the Bible we find analogies of Christ as the bridegroom and the church as His bride. As we come to salvation, accepting the proposal of our bridegroom, we either cling to Him or run to tell everyone what the Lord has done for us. Let’s consider the reaction Jesus is looking for.
It’s Spring! Now is the Time for the Earth to Prepare for Winter
Follow the Process of Nature to Start Preparing Now for Your Spiritual Winter — Some time ago as I was engulfed by the beauty of the Fall foliage, I began looking toward Winter and asking God why the Fall was so beautiful when it was merely the precursor to the dormancy of Winter. God began speaking to me about rest; the beauty of entering a place of rest. He analogized the natural process of the changing of the leaves with the spiritual process of finding our rest in Him. Both require preparation in the Spring and Summer.
Like the Olympians, We Can Learn to Maintain a Winning Attitude
You Can Discover Key Characteristics Through the Apostle Paul’s Example — As I sit at my desk and write this article, Nathan Chen is being acclaimed by the world for setting a world record with his figure skating performance during the men’s short program in Beijing. As I sit at my desk and write this article, Nathan Chen is being acclaimed by the world for setting a world record with his figure skating performance during the men’s short program in Beijing. What do Nathan Chen, the many athletes who accomplished their goals of making it to the Olympic Games, and this dear friend of mine have in common?
Are You Confident You are Shining the Light of Christ in this World?
Learn How Living Above Reproach Can Significantly Increase Your Confidence Even in the Midst of Trials — The apostle Paul taught the congregation of the Church in Philippi how they should live as Christians. He also taught Titus to teach his congregation how to live the Christian life. Basically, Basically, these two scriptures (Philippians 2:14-16 and Titus 2:1-8) can be summarized by saying that as Christians we should live above reproach.